But what is fractional marketing and how can it improve your business? In essence, this term refers to the practice of outsourcing one or more parts of your marketing department. This may seem to be an unusual approach if you’ve always hired permanent employees. However, there are several excellent reasons to make this method part of your business infrastructure.  Let’s dive in and learn more about the benefits of fractional marketing. 

Reduced Costs

You need to keep your business marketing costs to a minimum, and hiring new staff can be expensive. But, when you outsource your advertising needs to a third party, you only pay for the time they work on your account. You may even be able to negotiate a lower rate if you guarantee to provide an outside firm with a certain number of working hours each month. 

Focused Expertise

When you plan your marketing strategy, you may notice some of your staff don’t have the necessary skill sets to match your current projects. Rather than asking employees to spend time learning new techniques, you can get your fractional marketing team to supply professionals with the exact required expertise.  This is an excellent way to instantly add a new dimension to your advertising department. 


An outsourced digital marketing specialist must get results. If they fail to reach targets, their reputation could suffer and they may find it more difficult to get work. Therefore, you could find they have a clear and unclouded focus to take your marketing efforts to the next level. They could become a driving force that inspires your current employees to up their game. 

Scaleable Marketing Team 

Your company marketing requirements can change quickly. For example, you might win a new contract, or a client may reduce their advertising spend. This can create staffing issues as you could have too many, or too few, employees on your payroll at a given time.  By using outsourced professionals, you can scale your business according to your needs. 

Determine If Fractional Marketing Could Help Your Business

Using a fractional marketing approach can have a transformative effect on your business. Not only do you gain the expertise of high-quality professionals, but you can simultaneously reduce your staffing costs. It’s also possible to scale your business without the hassle of hiring new employees. In addition, these result-driven specialists can deliver exceptional outcomes. You may soon be wondering why you haven’t outsourced this part of your business before now! If you’ve enjoyed reading this article, be sure to check out more great posts in our Buzz section before you go.  

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