1. Use of the Cloud
One of the biggest trends in any software development is the use of the cloud. This is especially true in human resource management systems where almost all of the best tools are now cloud-based. Having a cloud-based human resource management system comes with a lot of benefits. It allows wider accessibility to technology and data, improving how the HR department operates.
2. Self-service Tools for Employees
Human resource management systems are also more inclusive, giving access to employees. There are a lot of self-service tools which boost efficiency, productivity and employee motivation.
3. Blockchain Integration
Blockchain is best known for bitcoin but the technology is now making its way to many other sectors as well. HR systems can use blockchain in many ways from standardizing what type of HR tools are available to all kinds of companies to building more trust between the different stakeholders.
4. Analytics Tools Focused on People
Metrics and proper analysis of them have always been important in the field of HR. But technology is improving how and what data can be gathered, improving the ability to use data in many different ways. Today’s human resource management system is more focused on the people – as it should be. People analytical tools can help improve training and employee engagement, leading to improved productivity and employee happiness.
5. Real-time Management of Employee Performance
Technology is also creating tools that allow HR personnel to monitor employee performance in real-time. Instead of having to go over data and performance reports weeks or months after the data emerged, technology can help focus immediate issues with performance – good or bad.
6. Tracking Employee Biometrics
Related to the above trend is the increased use of different biometric tracking tools. These are likely to increase in relevance, as there are many benefits to monitoring employee biometrics. Not only are they good at showcasing employees’ productivity but also well being and health. It has the potential to reduce the number of sick days because it is easier to spot problems before they become too big. Of course, biometric tracking is not just about health and productivity. Things such as fingerprint scanners that could be installed in a variety of devices can also improve security. This can make it easier for companies to allow things like remote jobs.
7. The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a key HR technology in the workplace and it’s showing up in human resource management systems. The key benefit of IoT is the way it connects the company together, allowing all the different departments to work together. Furthermore, IoT is an important player in terms of health monitoring, creating a better connection between HR and the management team in general.
8. Reporting Tools
There has been a big cultural shift in many organizations towards a more inclusive and safe environment for all workers. Big sexual harassment cases and other allegations have made it so that HR wants to stay on top of these issues as well as possible. Technology is, once again, providing solutions with accessible and safe ways to report harassment cases.
9. Inclusive Digital Platforms
Furthermore, HR technology is adjusting to the different ways in which the workplace must adjust to the modern worker. Workplaces are becoming more mixed in terms of genders, sexualities, ethnicities, and identities. New HR software tries to reduce the risk of relying only on old norms and standards, creating a more inclusive digital platform for all the workers.
10. Introduction of AI
Finally, artificial intelligence is becoming a more central technology in the HR department. Whilst many previous human resource management systems have used it for automation, modern systems employ AI in employee management. This means that AI will help employees with things such as scheduling, improving the planning processes, and deciding how employees might be interviewed for the roles in the first place.
Following HR technology trends is crucial for any HR department
As the above shows, technology is having a big impact in how the HR department operates. This transformative power is also something companies can’t afford to overlook – being left behind now can mean that talent goes elsewhere and the whole company loses out. The good news for the modern small business is, however, that technology is also becoming cheaper and more accessible. Human resource systems that use the latest technologies are available for all – as long as you remember to look! Also Read: How to Use Technology to Market Your Business
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