When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are tons of products out there and most of them have great ROI. One of the easiest ways to make more affiliate income is to recommend hosting services for your blog visitors.

Why refer web hosting affiliate programs?

The simplest reason is almost every person who wants to start a website on WordPress need a hosting service. Another reason is, you can make a really good amount from every successful sale you make from hosting providers. Just have a look at the earning numbers of one of the affiliate products (that we sold from BloggersPassion). We earned more than $394,000 from one product. Not just that, here’s one more earning report for one of the hosting affiliate programs. Did you see that? We made over $67,000 just from ONE product. Yes, just from one product i.e Bluehost affiliate program, we were able to generate around $67k. Not too bad for a single affiliate program, right? So which web hosts do we recommend to promote so you can make more money? It depends on your readers and visitors. If your readers are looking for limited budget web hosting programs, you need to only refer affordable web hosts like Bluehost, HostGator, Hostinger etc. If you have small business owners as your customers who want a VPS, then you can refer few costly hosting services like Cloudways, GreenGeeks, WPEngine etc. So are you curious to find out how to promote hosting affiliate products to earn more money in 2023 and beyond, let’s get into the details.

How to make more sales from web hosting affiliate programs?

1. Only recommend the web hosts you use

Honest website marketing is the key to make more sales by selling affiliate products. Take any successful online marketer, for instance, you will understand that they will be only promoting the products they personally use. That being said, we’re not suggesting you to sign up for a ton of web hosting sites to promote their hosting plans but make sure to at least use 2 or 3 hosting platforms which you are promoting excessively. For example, in our case, we recommend more than 10 web hosting platforms but we’re definitely not using all of them. But we always make sure to use those hosting plans which we’re mostly promoting on our sites (such as Bluehost, Hostinger, WPX hosting etc). Don’t promote affiliate products just because they are giving you extra income, you should look out for the trustworthy of the products. So before giving web hosting service advice to your audience, use them first. Then recommend the hosting services that you really liked most, it is better if you promote only those hosting services that you personally use. I personally use and recommend Bluehost for any new blogger who wants a hassle-free web host service for their WordPress websites.

2. Write unbiased web hosting reviews

If you want to increase hosting affiliate revenue, write unbiased and honest product reviews. If you convince your visitors the pitfalls and advantages of using the products you recommend, you can make more sales without selling your soul. Hone your writing skills to create great reviews on the products you want to promote. Analyze how your competitors are promoting their products by writing reviews. You can have a better idea if you go through all the product reviews of popular bloggers who are making decent affiliate income. Writing unbiased and honest web hosting reviews goes a long way. It is what differentiates successful affiliate marketers from the rest. If you really want to increase hosting affiliate profit, you should always focus on giving more value to your audience rather than increasing sales. Sales will come naturally then! Here’s a simple framework we use to write unbiased web hosting reviews at BloggersPassion which works really well for us. I recommend you to read Smart Passive Income and Problogger.com to increase your writing skills as well as affiliate sales. Don’t Miss: Bluehost Coupon Code for maximum saving.

3. Optimize your site

Your website is the most important thing that can literally make or break your success. If you want to increase your web hosting sales and boost your search rankings for profitable keywords, you need to really optimize your site. Here are a few interesting stats you should about page speed and website loading times. Above all, pages that load within two seconds have an average bounce rate of 9% while pages that take five seconds to load have a bounce rate of 38%, so make sure your site is loading fast enough. Here are a few ways you can optimise your site for more hosting affiliate sales in 2023 and beyond. Optimize for mobiles Did you know that mobile devices accounted for 49.7 percent of web page views worldwide, with mobile-first markets such as Asia and Africa leading mobile internet usage? So is your site optimized for mobile? If you not, you should make your site mobile responsive as soon as possible. You can use simple plugins like WPTouch to create a mobile-friendly site. Speed up your site First things first, measure how long a page takes to load on your site. Because your website speed matters a lot both in terms of increasing your search rankings and giving better user experience so you can optimize your website to improve performance. You can use tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom tools etc to easily find out your site loading times. Pro tip: If you are using a shared hosting server, you can try switching to a better hosting provider such as WPX hosting to see if it makes a positive difference. Most of the times, you can increase your site speed by 3 to 10 times. Declutter everything Last but not least, when it comes to optimizing your site, it’s so important for you to declutter everything including your sidebar, footer section, your most important pages and so on. Make them as fast as possible and remove the unwanted clutter to give the best user experience.

4. Build and improve trust

Building trust is the KEY to increase your web hosting related affiliate sales. If your audience trusts you, it’s so much easier for you to turn them into customers. Here are a few quick tips for you to build and improve trust on your site. Write income reports One of the most effective and simplest ways to build and improve your website trust is to write income reports and share your affiliate income earnings. If possible, try to include all the screenshots of your traffic (both paid, search, social media traffic) along with the commission payouts. You can also get ideas from top sites like Smart Passive Income which is run by Pat Flynn to find out how you can write engaging income reports. Make sure to include only accurate data while sharing your traffic and income reports and don’t bluff as it can affect your site earnings and branding value in the long run. Read: Top 10 Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs to Use to Make Money In 2023 Create case studies on special days (like Black Friday) We often create case studies and publish income reports of our site BloggersPassion during special days like Black Friday week. For example, you can go through our Black Friday affiliate marketing case study. These type of case studies work like a charm and engage your audience. Most importantly, they help you quickly build authority and trust with your audience. Get testimonials from other bloggers There are so many affiliate marketers out there who use testimonials from other bloggers and influencers. They do it for a reason: it acts as social proof. Just make sure to get testimonials from only those bloggers who are treated as “experts” in your industry. Otherwise, it won’t do much help.

5. Use a mix of informative and transactional keywords

So what’s the fastest way to increase affiliate sales? If you ask any successful affiliate marketer, most of them will say “bringing more visitors from search engines like Google”. Do you know why? Search engine visitors are most qualified visitors who’ll be eagerly waiting to buy online when they find the right discounts. The best way to drive more visitors from search is to use transactional keywords along with informative keywords. Here are examples of both informative and transactional keywords; Are you getting the difference between informative and transactional keywords? To put it simply, informative keywords are those keywords which educate your audience about particular products (such as web hosting, an example includes “Bluehost review”) whereas transactional keywords are buyer keywords where people look for discounts (such as “Bluehost hosting discount”). So how do you find informative and transactional keywords? Here are a few quick tips to find both informative and transactional keywords to increase your search traffic as well as affiliate sales.

6. Find out what your competitors are doing

So what’s the secret sauce of most successful affiliate marketers who are making thousands of dollars by selling web hosting affiliate products? They do a lot of competitor research. Competitor analysis is a must if you want to increase your hosting affiliate products revenue. Competitor analysis is all about evaluating your competitor’s strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few things to look for while doing competitor analysis. Above all, find your competitors SEO strategies so you’ll know what kind of link building and keyword research strategies they are using to rank higher for competitive keywords related to web hosting products.

7. Promote your web hosting pages more

If there’s only one secret tip to increase your sales from web hosting affiliate products it is PROMOTING. Reach more audience and you will be making more sales from affiliate marketing. Try to give huge online reach to your web hosting programs as the more reach they get, your chances of making money from them increases. But don’t appear like a spammer who wants to just increase his affiliate income, it can only hurt your readership. Here are few simple yet effective ways to promote web hosting affiliate programs without irritating your blog audience. One of the most effective ways to promote your web hosting related affiliate programs is to use Google AdWords. It is an online advertising platform developed by Google where you pay few bucks (depend on the keywords you are going to use) to display ads, product listings, video content etc to drive paid visitors to your site. Quick tip: Make sure to use tools like Semrush to find paid ads and ad copies (along with paid keywords) used by your competitors so you’ll get an idea about what kind of keywords to target using AdWords to drive qualified traffic to your sites. Don’t sound like “hey, I’ll earn some commission if you buy this web hosting using my affiliate link”. Instead of hard selling, try to help your readers to decide the best web hosting service for their needs.

8. “Special occasions” can boost your web hosting sales

By promoting special offers on your web hosting services, you can boost your affiliate income quickly. Most people wait for the right time to launch their websites and if they see a huge price drop in web hosting service they love, they will instantly buy. So I suggest you sign up for all the web hosting services you recommend on your websites so that you will be the first one to get notified if they are offering special offers or discounts on their web hosting. There are a ton of web hosting sites such as Hostinger, GoDaddy, Namecheap etc that have dedicated “deals and coupon” pages where you can find a ton of deals related to hosting and domains. So make sure to bookmark such pages and refer to them regularly to be able to provide discounts to your website audience. You should also make use of special occasions like Black Friday, Christmas sales etc which come only once in a year but get access to HUGE discounts (most hosting companies offer up to 80% discounts). If they offer a special discount, make sure to become the first person to write a review or give a shout out to your visitors to increase your sales. Try to get the best promo codes from the product owners to make more people buy from you instead of your competitors.

9. Offer your visitors something extra

If you are a new blogger and searching for few smartest ways to increase your web hosting sales from your websites, this tip works for you like a charm. Offer your visitors something extra for free. For example, you could offer your writing services, free blog installation etc. free of cost when your visitors use your affiliate links to purchase web hosting services that you recommend. This way, both you and your visitors get benefited, though it seems like additional work, you can surely increase your sales even if you are new to the online world. Why should anyone buy web hosting using your affiliate links instead of someone else? If you could give an answer to that, you can definitely make a ton of sales. If you don’t have an answer yet, let us simplify the whole thing: if you can offer “something extra” (it can be anything from freebies to discounts on your own products or services), you’re giving solid reasons for your audience to buy products from you. Note: Always disclose web hosting products and let your blog visitors know you are using affiliate links on your blog posts and links. This way you will be able to build trust even with the first time visitors, also mention (affiliate link) whenever you are using affiliate links on your posts.

10. Landing pages are crucial

Did you know that the average landing page conversion rate across industries is 2.35%, with the top 25% converting at 5.31% or higher? So landing pages always work like a charm in converting visitors into sales. If you’re reading BloggersPassion for a while, you must know that we mostly use landing pages for affiliate product pages and deal pages including web hosting related pages. Have a look at one of the examples of our landing pages. There’s a reason for using landing pages for affiliate products and deal pages. The reason is they convert really high. Here are a few things you should know about landing pages to increase your web hosting sales. Above all, make sure to keep the important information such as deals and discounts (along with the call to actions) above the fold on your landing pages as most people don’t scroll down much while looking for web hosting related discounts. You can use tools like Thrive Architect, LeadPages etc to easily create stunning landing pages within minutes to improve web hosting referral profit.

11. Use Facebook Ads

Recently we ran few Facebook ads for few hosting affiliate products during the Black Friday season. We spent over $300 on Facebook ads and got decent clicks from the ads to the hosting related deal pages. If you create right kind of ad copies using compelling titles and offers, Facebook ads convert like crazy. So investing in Facebook ads to improve hosting affiliate sales is not a bad thing if you are really looking to target “specific audience”. Here are a few important questions you might want to know about increasing revenue for hosting affiliate products in 2023 and beyond. More Affiliate Marketing related resources: → Build trust as it can go a long way. Always remember that no one buys from strangers, so build a reputation for yourself as a blogger and grow from there.→ Promote high paying affiliate programs which also offer exclusive deals→ Offer extra freebies to attract new people to buy web hosting products from you → Bluehost (you can earn up to $65 to $120)→ HostGator (you can earn up to $125)→ WPX Hosting (you can earn up to $100)→ Dream Host (you can earn up to $120)→ WP Engine (you can earn up to $200)→ A2 Hosting (you can earn up to $140)→ InMotion Hosting (you can earn up to $120)→ iPage (you can earn up to $150)→ Just Host (you can earn up to $60) → No adult content→ No copied content→ Trying to increase sales by providing false discounts and so on

Beginners guide to affiliate marketing How to do SEO for an affiliate website How I end up making $16000 plus income from a single hosting affiliate product List of 21 high paying affiliate programs for 2023 Best web affiliate sites to join for earning huge commission Top Affiliate Marketing Courses [Paid & Free] Future of Affiliate Marketing: Is it growing rapidly or slowly dying? Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It in 2023?

Conclusion about Making More Sales from Hosting Affiliate Products

Use your blog posts to increase your web hosting sales, use personalization and only recommend the products that you are personally satisfied with to build trust. By offering a few samples of web hosting services, you can double web hosting sales from your websites. Also, make sure to write honest product reviews and optimize well for the search engines for long tail keywords to get the rewards from search engines. Let me know your thoughts on making more sales from web hosting affiliate websites. Do you have any more tips to increase web hosting sales? Please share them in the comments and I’d be glad to consider them.