The advent of social media has, however, changed this, and it is now possible to earn money legitimately via the internet. Earning $100 dollars a day may not seem like very much, but if you are able to do that five days a week over the course of a year, you would earn $26,000. That’s a life-changing amount of money! Making money online doesn’t even have to be your full-time job. It is entirely possible to have it as a side gig alongside your main income or as a hobby for a teenager wanting to make a little extra cash. Because of the flexibility and opportunities involved, earning money online is popular with stay-at-home parents and students, who fit their money-making enterprises around other responsibilities.

Top 11 Ways to Make $100 a Day Online

1. Test Websites and Apps

If you are technologically literate, enjoy trying out new products or apps and are interested in sharing your opinions, then you may be suited to website and app testing. When developers create a new website or app, they need people to test them. This helps them to resolve any bugs or other issues before it goes live. There are a wide variety of testing sites that you can sign up to, with options such as UserTesting and BetaTesting offering around $10 per completed test.

2. Start a Blog

There are many different ways that a blog can make money, although all of them will require some effort at the beginning. Many blog hosts will offer the opportunity to earn through ad placement on your website. Most of these ads will be on a pay per click basis, which means that every time someone clicks one of them, you will earn money. It will only be a few cents per click, but can add up if your blog has a good following. Another way of making money with a blog is to consider partnering with brands to create affiliate links. Sometimes, brands will offer bloggers payment and discounts in return for featuring their products, writing reviews and other promotional material.

3. Create an Online Course

Why not consider sharing one of your talents with others in the form of a course so that they can teach themselves? Whether you decide to do this as a series of webinars, YouTube videos or a downloadable PDF, a well-polished product can leave you with a steady passive income. The important thing to remember with creating an online course or other product is to ensure that the quality is high. Well-polished products will always gain more attention, meaning that you can potentially earn more in the long term.

4. Brand Sponsorship/Ambassador

This works in a similar way as creating affiliate links through a blog, but can be used across a wide variety of social media platforms. Essentially, brands will sponsor individuals in return for them featuring, trialing and promoting their products. In the long term, this is called becoming a brand ambassador. Not only will brands provide products for you to try, they will often pay you per post or blog for promotional content and will regularly offer discount codes to your followers in order to encourage them to try the product.

5. Online Store

If you have a skill or hobby, consider setting up an online store to market your products. Websites, such as Etsy, allow creative individuals to sell their own products on the open market, creating an income from doing something that they enjoy. If you are not creative, that doesn’t mean you can’t make money through an online store. It is possible to order products directly from a manufacturer and sell them via your own online store. Alternatively, dropshipping cuts out the need for you to hold your own stock by hosting other people’s products on your website. They then send products directly to the customers who order them. You would get paid either a fee for hosting the product on the website or a percentage of each sale.

6. Freelancing

If you have a skill, then there is a good chance you will be able to earn money from freelancing. With dozens of websites such as Upwork and Fiverr, as well as postings on LinkedIn and across job websites, there is always a demand for skilled freelancers. Freelancing is popular with people who want to earn a little income around raising their children, as well as students who want to explore the working world while still at university. If you are a student hoping for a career in one of the popular freelance fields, then working as a freelancer can also help you to build a portfolio, which you can then show to potential employers. Popular skills for freelancers include:

Content writing Graphic design Illustrators Virtual assistants Bookkeeper Proofreading

7. Write an Ebook

If you have ever fancied yourself as an author, why not write an ebook? In the past, it used to be that the only way to get published was to go through one of the traditional publishing houses. This is no longer the case, with self-publishing options widely available and gaining popularity. It is important to remember, though, that for maximum earning potential, you will need to spend time marketing your books and reaching your target audience.

8. Tutor Online

Online tutoring has drastically changed the landscape of remote education in recent years, and you can teach any skill you have without needing to be a qualified teacher. Whether your specialised subject is Skakespeare, you are a whizz at computer coding or you are an expert when it comes to making the perfect pasta sauce, there is likely to be someone who is willing to pay for your time. While curriculum subjects will always be popular with parents who are looking for a tutor to give their child a boost through exams, it is becoming more and more common to hire tutors for extra-curricular and homeschooling activities too. So, if you have a skill that you would like to share, consider a platform such as Outschool.

9. Participate in Research Studies

Companies are always looking for people to take part in studies and focus groups. This happens most often ahead of a new product launch, when the company wants to know how the item will be received and note any last-minute changes that may need to be made. Websites such as User Interviews will build a profile of members before deciding which individuals are the best fit for each study. If invited to participate, you will be paid for your time.

10. Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending is a system that brings together investors and borrowers to perform transactions that benefit both sets of individuals. It works by allowing people to request investment for a wide variety of reasons. Individuals are then able to invest money into crowdsourced loans with high returns. Platforms such as Upstart, Lending Club and Funding Circle are good beginner websites to introduce you to the world of peer-to-peer lending.

11. Investing

It used to be that investment was a word used by those ‘in the know’ and could only be done if you had a lot of spare cash to invest and access to a stockbroker. It usually came with images of the busy stock market and people shouting to buy and sell. Nowadays, online trading platforms have meant that it is easier than ever for beginner investors to trade on the stock market and build themselves a portfolio. Many platforms will offer very low minimum investments, but you should always make sure that the platform you choose is registered with the relevant agencies to ensure maximum safety for your money.

Other Ways to Make Money

While we have brought together our top 11, the opportunities really are endless. Why not try some of the options below for a quick fix or easy passive income?

Sell Your Photos

If you are a keen amateur photographer, then it might be worth selling some of your images. Stock photo websites such as Shutterstock and iStock will pay you a small commission every time your image is downloaded. It may not be very much per image, but it can soon add up and may be a good way of earning money from images that would otherwise sit forgotten on a memory card.

Sell Things You No Longer Need

While this may not provide a consistent income, it can be a lucrative way of making money quickly. Platforms such as eBay work on an auction format, with sellers listing their products and not knowing the final price until the auction ends. Alternatively, Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree work by having the seller list a product with a price. They are then contacted by any individuals who want to purchase the item.

Complete Surveys

Surveys are an easy way of making money with very little effort. There are dozens of online survey websites and all of them will have a slightly different approach. You can complete suggested surveys while doing other things, and often they will only take 10-15 minutes to complete. You will only be offered surveys that match your profile, which means there may be times when you have a lot of offers followed by times with very few. It is very common for companies to use a points system, where each survey will be allocated a number of points. When completed, the points will be added to your account and build value until the points can be traded for gift vouchers or money.

Receipt Scanning Apps

In a similar way to surveys, receipt scanning apps offer individuals compensation for very little effort. The aim of these apps is to build information regarding spending insights, so you will be asked to scan every single receipt so that a clear picture of your habits can be built. In return, companies will often offer points or a small monetary reward, which can accumulate over time.

Final Thoughts

There are really hundreds of different ways of making money online and, depending on how much time and effort you are prepared to put in, you can definitely make $100 per day. Obviously, the more work you put in, the more likely you are to see rewards. But even the low effort options are a good way of building a small additional income that may help to pay for the fun things in life. WikiJob does not provide tax, investment or financial services and advice. The information provided is for general reference and you should not rely on it to make (or refrain from making) any financial decisions. Personal situations will vary. Always seek independent financial advice when choosing how to manage your finances.